Saturday, 12 April 2014

The mystery of MH 370 and the theories surrounding the disappearance.

In my last post i spoke briefly about Mh370 however it is a complex issue that needs to be taken into close detail. When the issue first occurred mainstream media was in a frenzy and news reporting was nothing more than gossips and rumours, and although it was very terrible to watch the families of the victims suffer it was a curious affair to watch because the media was literally reporting whatever it wanted! Here are some of the theories that emerged in mainstream media: 1. The pilot hijacked the plane. (this wouldn't even be considered in the media if the pilot wasn't muslim.) 2. The Iranian's with fake passports were terrorists who hijacked the plane. 3. The pilot made a phone call mid flight. 4. The pilot wanted to commit suicide hence why he said "goodbye" when the plane was in the air. 5. Something faulty occurred in the plane and the pilot tried to find the most effective place to land and got lost. in order to help people understand the theories in simpler deatil here are some true facts: 1. The plane went missing March 8 2. 239 passengers were on board the plane 3. Was enroute from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. 4. Search is taking place in indian ocean, west of Perth. 5. No debris nor the black box have been found. 6. 20 of the passengers were working for freescale semiconductor. Now for some things the media is not telling you: 1. Rothschild, a member of the illuminati and British investment banker and a member of the prominent Rothschild banking family. He is also Honorary President of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research. It was clear that he was desperate for the sole right to the semiconductor. 2.Freescale Semiconductor, who shared its rights with Rothschild, had twenty senior members on board who had just launched a new electronic warfare gadget for military radar system's the day before the plane went missing. 3. four of his co workers were on the plane. 4.Russian sources claim missing plane landed in Afghanistan after being hijacked and flown to the Afghanistan border. 5. Afghanistan's air power is controlled by the US 6. A source, reported to be a member of Russia's FSB secret service, told the Russian paper: "All the passengers are alive. "They have been divided into seven groups and are living in mud huts with almost no food." The Russian report said 'Asian specialists' from the passengers and crew have been taken to a bunker in Pakistan. 7. Phillip wood, a passenger on the plane sent a message from his phone which he hid in his anus, it read "I have been held hostage by unknown military personal after my flight was hijacked (blindfolded). I work for IBM and I have managed to hide my cellphone in my ass during the hijack. I have been separated from the rest of the passengers and I am in a cell. My name is Philip Wood. I think I have been drugged as well and cannot think clearly." In a situation as delicate as this i would rather not pass my own judgement as it can be dangerous, however i do have an opinion on the matter and so should you. It is not a crime to have anti-government theories and so it is okay to wonder if the governments of today have dealt with this situation in a suspicious or rather, to put it bluntly stupid manner. I can only hope that those people are not being tortured for the power they hold with their technological abilities;only time will tell.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Syria, Missing Plane MH370, Tech giants speak out on Govt spying and Hillary clinton gets hit by a shoe!

The intense situation in Crimea has left the people of Syria fighting to be recognized in the media. It is ridiculous how the world seems to have forgotten about the situation in Syria especially Obama who had been so willing before to stick his nose into the conflict as America just loves to do, he even stated that "The question now is what the United States of America, and the international community, is prepared to do about it." And yet three years into the conflict he is to busy trying to destabilize another country (Ukraine) to pay any attention to Syria the country of so called "international concern". The true concern is that people do not see how simple it is for Obama to play with these countries like they are shiny new toys and when the shine wears off he is ready for the next shiny toy to play with. Obama's objectives were not achieved in syria, unlike Egypt or Iraq the Syrian people did not actually turn on their president nor do they hate him, therefore the army and the people stayed loyal to Bashar Al-Assad; unlike what Obama had expected at the time. And so the only country that ever said no to Obama time and time again is surviving his onslaught of lethal arms, bad media and double standards. However that being said we still need to be weary about Syria because of its close alliance with Russia. The fight in Syria is not over, we have terrorist factions in syria that need to be eliminated; but on the bright side many rebel strongholds have been taken back by the Syrian Arab Army. Now to the international issue, which has had people boggled for weeks now. The MH370 went missing on its route from Kuala Lumpur to Bangkok. A worldwide search has taken place to locate the missing plane, however nothing has been found. It has families of the missing in anxious depression and accusing governments of hiding the truth. On that note many people, as their governments have them do are blaming terrorists. Independent media outlets have said differently. 'Anonymous' the online activist group released a video which stated "Illuminati member, Rothschild, is believed to have exploited the airliner to gain full Patent Rights of an incredible KL-03 micro-chip. The US technological company, Freescale Semiconductor, who shared its rights with Rothschild, had twenty senior members on board who had just launched a new electronic warfare gadget for military radar system's the day before the plane went missing." That seemed to coincide with the fact that the majority of the plane held freelance workers. "But the questions that arise are why were there so many Freescale employees traveling together? What were their jobs? Their mission? And did they employees carry valuable cargo? With all the power our elite carry, why couldn't they track down the missing plane?" It seems such information has been left out of the mainstream media, in order to stop people from asking such difficult questions.But it seems pretty obvious to the politically aware people now,Rothschild had to do whatever to achieve his goals no matter how much collateral damage he left behind. "Rothschild is hiding evidence to gain the rights to this semiconductor. He wants power and he wants his money! It may have taken 239 deaths to do it, but to him, that's just part of population control. In the end, he gets him money, his fame, and his power; all while the world remains silent. Makes you sick doesn't it!" I will be going more into depth for this story on a later date. In other news, major tech Giants such as Google and Facebook, have came out and said directly to the NSA and other such agencies "We can spy on customers’ data, you shouldn’t". This has been spurred due to the demand of spying reform, and it has made these companies nervous. “On the one hand, the Internet behemoth wants the public to know it’s outraged by US surveillance programs and is aggressively lobbying for new rules to keep its customers’ data safe from the government’s prying eyes,” Sasso wrote. “But as public attention turns to data privacy, Google, Facebook, Yahoo and other tech giants want to be sure that their own data-gathering practices don’t get lumped in with the federal spying programs that are the target of popular ire.” This story is still being developed as there actually has been no reform yet. And to end the post with something on the lighter side of politics, Hillary Clinton whilst delivering a speech barely missed getting hit by a shoe that an enraged woman in the audience threw. It isn't known who the women is but i say good on her. Clinton and Obama have done nothing but hurt the international community with lies. The shoe throwing also brought up reports of whether Hillary Clinton will be running for president in 2016 (good luck America!)

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

The difference between a real revolution and a pseudo revolution..

It has come to my attention that people are finding it hard to grasp the concept of what is a real revolution and what is a revolution built on lies and political agenda. A real revolution comes from the lower class in society, the ones who feel disenchanted with their governments, a real revolution is built on thought and philosophy. A fake revolution has no class, its has no ideology;no heart. Take for example the Russian Revolution built on years and years of ideas from Karl Marx to Vladmir Lenin, Engles,Nechayev,it was built on the great ideas of great men. On written work like the communist manifesto (Marx and Engles) or the April Thesis (Lenin). It held the support of all the lower class masses. on the other hand you have Syria a country which has a limited amount of class division and a stable economy, the "revolutionaries" did not rise from the masses (they don't even live in Syria), they have no ideas, no political theories. And not to mention their responsibility for the murder of Syrian people! how can you claim to represent a people and then murder them if they don't agree with you? I would also like to point out a pattern of very well timed 'revolutions' for America, First Syria, Bashar Al-Assad refuses American transnational corporations in Syria and nationalises its companies,and raises its tariff walls. Secondly Ukraine, who is heavily reliant upon Russia specially economically. And Venezuela who's president Maduro came out in an open statement and stated his support for Syria and denounced the actions of the West. These are the three most prominent uprisings, but there have been hundreds of attempts by America to achieve the political agenda they strive towards. Its time to question how valid these "revolutions" are. In a time of war, in a time of major uprisings the revolutions belong in the West not in the Middle East or in Europe. oh there are revolutions but they are American, Australian, British; yet the true revolution will never be televised. America; the country built on the blood of innocents, Australia; the country which shows asylum seekers absolutely no humanity or compassion instead they create extremely sickening detention centres to lock people in. And Britain, the american puppet which treats the lower class inhumanly and who would so quickly go to war with a country because America said so. Where does the true revolution belong? Who are the real revolutionaries of our time?

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

LA gang members join fighting in Syria, Why Ukraine is vital to Syria, Assad Gaining Ground in Syria.

GANG MEMBERS IN SYRIA It has been reported that two LA gang members, one from the Surenos a Mexican gang and the other from a Westside Armenian gang.A video was put up online where the two men identify themselves and claim to be fighitng on the front line in Syria. Yet it is not fully known if the two members are really in Syria and if they are fighting at all. It has been reported that the two men 'creeper' and 'Wino' are fighting for Bashar Al-Assad, and are supporters of Hezbollah. WHY UKRAINE IS VITAL TO SYRIA in other news the situation in Ukraine has escalated drastically,Russian troops have entered Ukraine, due to 60% of the population being Russian. The Ukrainian protests are 'unconstitutional and has nothing democratic or peaceful' and undemocratic It is only natural to wonder why this has anything to do with Syria. Ukraine, just like Syria is a pawn in Americas Secret war. America has time and time again created pro N.A.T.O protests. Syria is a close ally of Russia and is heavily influenced by them. Ukraine is also heavily influenced by Russia both culturally and economically, not to mention the major pipeline that supplies Europe with Russian gas: that conveniently runs through Ukraine.. This is reason enough for america to try and destabilize the allies of Russia. The situation In Ukraine and the situation in Syria are now very closely linked and this will continue to develop in the coming weeks. ASSAD GAINS GROUND in good news, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA)'As of yesterday the Syrian Arab Armed Forces re-took al-Sahel and several hills surrounding Yabroud in a military operation to liberate al-Qalamoon. Also an ambush took place when a terrorist group tried to cross the border from Lebanon to Yabroud, the ambush escalated to a full engagement resulted in the killing of at least 30 terrorists and the capture of others.' It is incredible to see the complete breakage of the rebel forces and the unorganised nature of their fighting, which has led to fighting within factions and also led to loss of major territory.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013


This week, Syrians held their breath as the horrifying news emerged; 12 Syrian nuns have been abducted from the Christian town of Maaloula. Maaloula is a historic city that is meant to be preserved not destroyed. In fact Maaloula has been bombarded by these so called revolutionaries, they have raped, killed, tortured and even worse have forced Christian residents to denounce there own religion in order to survive and those who don’t are beheaded. Syria's Greek Orthodox patriarch has urged Syrian rebels to release the group of nuns who were taken from a convent in Maaloula. Mother Superior Pelagia Sayyaf and 11 nuns were kidnapped from St Tecla Orthodox monastery after it was overrun by rebel forces who had taken control of the city in southwest Syria. "We appeal to the seed of conscience that God planted in all humans, including the kidnappers, to release our sisters safely," patriarch John Yazigi said. "We call upon the international community and world governments to help secure the release the nuns of the St Tecla convent." Yazigi said that orphans who were in the foster care of the sisters had also been taken hostage. Febronia Nabhan, the Mother Superior of nearby Christian convent of Saidnaya, said that the nuns had been taken to the rebel stronghold of Yabroud, 20km north. Not only is that completely disgusting and hateful but it should have been a red light to Christians around the world. This has never been only a Syrian concern it is an international one. The international community has allowed these monsters to completely erode not only a Christian village but also a historic one who still speak Aramaic. So, these ‘moderate’ rebels have called for a revolution; of what kind? One that rapes and tortures their opposition? One that kidnaps nuns? One that allows them to kill journalists simply for having an alternative opinion? That is the ‘rebellion’ and that is what these people want. They aren’t calling for democracy or a better Syria, they are calling for an end to moving forward and they are calling to an end of a sectarian nation. There has never been a revolution built on hate and murder, where are the thinkers, where are the scholars? Please pray for Maaloula and for the kidnapped nuns. God bless the residents of Maaloula, We are with you! Lisa.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Peace talks

Peace talks are still under way to solve the long and destructive Syrian crisis. But one can't help but be cynical when peace talks keep failing and certain parties don't come to the table. The new delay came as the United Nations said the scale of the crisis was much worse than previously thought. (http://www.thenational.aeGeneva 2 is meant to follow up on a conference last year that produced a transition plan for the war-ravaged country which was never implemented. It was initially planned for June, but has been repeatedly delayed amid stark disagreement over the premises for the talks and the list of participants.

The fate of the Syrian president, Bashar Al Assad, remains the main sticking point, with an ever more splintered opposition refusing to attend unless his resignation is put up for discussion – a demand rejected by Damascus.

“We will not go to Geneva to hand over power,” the information minister Omran Al Zohbi said on Monday.

“President Bashar Al Assad will remain head of state,” he added.

But peace talks in my opinion won't work in these circumstances because it is not a conventional war or situation.


Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Conformity in society.

Today I observed students at my school, we had an assembly and as I looked around a few things caught my eye. The first was the fact that every single girl was wearing the exact same thing like a thousand clones re printed over and over. The second was how the students listened to every single thing the teachers would say "line up" "sit down", it doesn't end. It got me thinking if we at the tender age of five must conform to a totalarianistic approach to learning rather than allowing the children the right to become there own self then could that possibly be what's wrong with society? We conform, we conformed for Afghanistan and we conformed for Iraq and now we are conforming for Syria. We are again like the students and the political leaders are the teachers they demand the same things "line up" "sit down" and we obey. Syria, is the home of resistance, we have resisted the west time and time again and like the big bad principal America developed a grudge, a sense of hatred towards the country. Maybe we have learnt how to say yes, learnt to assimilate ourselves into the beliefs of society rather, than to explore our own ideas- political or not. At school we are all expected to look the same, dress the same and to a certain extent told to think and behave the same. So how can we doubt that as we grow older that the submissive button in our brains wouldn't go off every once in a while? When we are bombarded with lies and war propaganda, how can we seriously doubt that we have become a society of indoctrination and brainwashing? This rule however does not apply to all, but people often believe what the world tells them. The world says "Al-Assad is a tyrant" and fabricated footage is shown on television and "experts" pretend they care when truly it is a game of vested interest that people sadly believe. This generation is one of information- do not conform to the government, to the leaders or to the media. Learn to find out the truth or find two sides of the story and decide based on INFORMATION not based on LIES spread by the media and by our Governments'. The truth is that Syria is not only the Middle East's only chance, but the entire world's. We have resisted since Turkish occupation and during french occupation. When they created a Western State (Israel) in the middle of an Arabic world we continued to say no, now America wants our natural resources and the world must say no.
