Saturday, 31 August 2013


'democracy' is like a plague spreading through the world under the false flag of freedom. I am a strong believer that democracy has always been a failed attempt at freedom and obviously we can see that now more than ever. America goes on about its democracy and freedom but they live under a silent and covert dictatorship, the Australian people have thought they are a democracy only to realise that nothing society wants is being represented in parliament. That what we believe as a people is being blatantly ignored or misrepresented by our 'government'. That is why democracy and all that comes with it is a lie. Lisa.

Melbourne Syria rally!!!

Thursday, 29 August 2013

The idiots that run our country's

I have been so angered by the recent events, if you are Australian then you know that Kevin Rudd has come out and backed America, Which is obviously because he is either really stupid and doesn't know what is happening or he is working with them to destabilize Syria. No matter what though, it is so completely unfair and breaks our international laws if they attack without a U.N mandate which won't be happening since Russia and China keep using veto. It is very sad to see how stupid and closed minded our governments have become. It used to be about representing the ideologies of the people and now it is a power struggle, we have no say anymore. We can stop the Australian and American government from plaguing our world with war, but sometimes we forget that we are stronger than them, that we control them. Lisa.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013


Rally this Saturday 31st August, to protest the planned military attack on Syria. Melbourne State Library at 2pm! Please come to show your support and to stop american intervention!! Lisa.

Monday, 26 August 2013

John Kerry and his "gut-wrenching" speech.

John Kerry has spoken to the press today and condemned Bashar Al-Assad for the chemical attack. However, it is obvious from the lack of emotion on his face and rather generic words, that it is in fact a ploy. To anybody who understands the truth about Syria, America's actions are despicable and utterly revolting. It is very ignorant to believe that America is acting on behalf of the Syrian people when it is obvious that the only thing America acts for is oil. John Kerry's little speech did not move me or flood my eyes with tears. The only thing Kerry's speech did was anger me and force me to realize how blatant the lies of America have become. Well done Kerry for your unemotional and repetitive script that we have frankly heard a thousand times before. Lisa.


Drones are pilot less radio controlled air crafts that are operated on land. In the last decade there has been a major increase in the use of drones. The USA, UK and Israel are known to have used drones, but international law has not caught up to this technology. This has sadly allowed Obama along with NSA and the CIA to have asserted a right to authorized assassination of individuals perceived to be a threat to the US. All human beings are equal in dignity and rights. But the deaths and injury sustained from drone warfare are continually unreported and the people targeted remain anonymous to the eyes of the western world. The government of America uses such techniques as the double tap which is when you target people in the aftermath of the first attack and signature strikes which is targeting any male who looks suspicious. Both of these techniques are considered war crimes according to international humanitarian laws. We as beings communicate everyday; we speak, make eye contact and use our body language to portray our words and feelings. But drones are like the dark side of the moon unseen and unheard. This means the people operating it are also unseen and unheard, there is no communication. A public opinion poll recorded by Pew research centre said that 62% of Americans approved of the drone warfare conducted in Pakistan while a meager amount of 28% said that they disapprove. America was the only country with a higher ratio of approval, what does this research demonstrate? That the American public lack the understanding and communication with countries being assaulted with these drones. Clearly there is a lack of empathy and comprehension. When the Boston bombing took place this year, there was absolute outrage. And when three people died we as global citizens we stood up and said this is not acceptable. But that same day in Pakistan five people were killed by the US government. It is clear that the media reports only what they see fit and people only listen to the most convenient truth. But we should be responsible for what occurs in the countries around us and how other people are treated whether we can see it or not. Not one of the 7 billion inhabitants of this earth reacted as ‘global citizens’ like they did for the Boston bombings or for 9/11, it is unfair. The fact that each countries needs the other to survive should be cause enough for the people of this earth to work together to create a safe environment where the government does not control the people but the people control themselves. Countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan just highlight the need for a global policy that does not allow countries to keep weaponry and plans secret, this included the use of drones to secretly wage war on people. Lisa.

Syrian Support

Latest news shows that the Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has came out with a statement basically outlining his support for Syria and Assad. Maduro said "We condemn the campaign hatched against Syria which aims to justify the aggression on Syria and the threats against the Syrian people." By doing so Maduro has said to the world what America is really doing with Syria and how they aim to destabilize it, this is great for Syria. Putin has always supported Syria and recently said that "I wont give up on Bashar Al-Assad even if war reaches the streets of Moscow". The fact that Obama is hesitating to go into Syria even after their desperate attempt at faking a chemical attack by Assad just proves that Syria is not weak and will not succumb to America like all the other Middle Eastern countries have had to. The simple truth is Obama was not betting that Russia, Iran and now Venezuela would stand against him, to wage war on Syria would now create a world war. Lisa.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Chemical warfare

Claims are piling up about the chemical weapons used in Syria. It is completely ridiculous that people actually believe that with UN officials in Syria, Assad would risk that. Secondly there is a number of calls and videos where the FSA claim that they have chemical weapons and used them. This must be the biggest conspiracy played out by the American and Israeli government in the entire world. And we as global citizens have stood by and let it happen by believing western media for too long. It is ridiculous. Lisa.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Double standards

American hypocrisy!

America calls the Assad regime a dictatorship yet new information has shown that the American government have surveillance on American citizens, and therefore created terror watch lists for everyday Americans. Not only that America is one of the most secretive, hypocritical and destructive governments of our time that hold power over the whole world because of the military technology that they use. The CIA and NSA's use of covert operations in the name of 'the war on terror' have left people in countries like Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia in constant fear for their lives.  And yet we continue to be happily oblivious to the death and the demolition  plaguing the world around us by American forces; the real question is for how long?


Thursday, 15 August 2013

American plan


Americas plan is to spread its influence onto the Middle East to gain from the resources. How many countries has this already happened to; Afghanistan, Iraq, Bahrain, Libya, Egypt and Turkey are just some of the countries all ready manipulated by America. How far are we willing to let them go?

Syria: what's really happening?

In march 2011, a 'war' began in Syria, instigated by extremists who have been aided by America and the CIA. This has been used as an excuse by the western media to portray Syria as an oppressed country but it is clear that is not the truth. This 'civil war' is not what you think it is, it is not a fight for freedom or a fight against oppression; it is simply a covert war conducted by America and Israel who have a major stake in Syria. One the public is not aware of. Like Iraq and like Libya America's intervention will do no good, it is only an excuse to reach the country for its resources such as Iraq's oil supply.  The only oppression being done now is by America, Israel and the foreign fighters in Syria who are from neighboring countries and have affiliations with Al- Qaeda and Jabhat Al Nusrah two of the major terrorist organizations. Obama and his affiliates have supplied these rebel forces with lethal arms, just like they did with Al-Qaeda; and Idea that back fired on them after 9/11.
More posts coming soon.