Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Conformity in society.

Today I observed students at my school, we had an assembly and as I looked around a few things caught my eye. The first was the fact that every single girl was wearing the exact same thing like a thousand clones re printed over and over. The second was how the students listened to every single thing the teachers would say "line up" "sit down", it doesn't end. It got me thinking if we at the tender age of five must conform to a totalarianistic approach to learning rather than allowing the children the right to become there own self then could that possibly be what's wrong with society? We conform, we conformed for Afghanistan and we conformed for Iraq and now we are conforming for Syria. We are again like the students and the political leaders are the teachers they demand the same things "line up" "sit down" and we obey. Syria, is the home of resistance, we have resisted the west time and time again and like the big bad principal America developed a grudge, a sense of hatred towards the country. Maybe we have learnt how to say yes, learnt to assimilate ourselves into the beliefs of society rather, than to explore our own ideas- political or not. At school we are all expected to look the same, dress the same and to a certain extent told to think and behave the same. So how can we doubt that as we grow older that the submissive button in our brains wouldn't go off every once in a while? When we are bombarded with lies and war propaganda, how can we seriously doubt that we have become a society of indoctrination and brainwashing? This rule however does not apply to all, but people often believe what the world tells them. The world says "Al-Assad is a tyrant" and fabricated footage is shown on television and "experts" pretend they care when truly it is a game of vested interest that people sadly believe. This generation is one of information- do not conform to the government, to the leaders or to the media. Learn to find out the truth or find two sides of the story and decide based on INFORMATION not based on LIES spread by the media and by our Governments'. The truth is that Syria is not only the Middle East's only chance, but the entire world's. We have resisted since Turkish occupation and during french occupation. When they created a Western State (Israel) in the middle of an Arabic world we continued to say no, now America wants our natural resources and the world must say no.


Monday, 14 October 2013

Red Cross workers abducted!!

The aid workers - six Red Cross staff and a SARC volunteer - were "abducted this morning by unidentified armed men near Sareqeb," the ICRC said in a statement.

"We call for the immediate and unconditional release of the seven colleagues," said Magne Barth, head of the ICRC's Syria delegation.

Clearly a terrorist faction group has kidnapped the impartial humanitarian workers, this is such a low and disgusting thing to stoop to! These people are innocent and have nothing to do with what's happening in Syria. But no group has claimed responsibility for the kidnapping. "The convoy, which was on its way back to Damascus, was clearly marked with the ICRC emblem, which is not a religious symbol," an ICRC representative said. But the group was travelling in a rebel occupied area and that is all that is known. Kidnapping has become an increasing problem in Syria, with journalists and aid workers frequently targeted in rebel-held parts of the country, largely in the north.

Last month a German aid worker held for almost four months escaped his kidnappers in Idlib, just like his two colleagues who managed to flee in July, according to their aid group Gruenhelme. Yet people believe these rebels are legitimate opposition for syrian government? How can we condone kidnapping, be heading, cannibalism and racism!


Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Russia demands explanation

Putin has demanded an explanation from holland after his diplomat was beaten and detained by uninformed men who bombarded his flat and attacked him. Putin said "we are waiting for an explanation, an apology and also punishment for those responsible." The Hague police force spokeswoman released a statement "the man is fine. He is not in hospital." She also said "they [police] said they had received a call from the neighbours regarding mistreatment of the children in the apartment" however this has not been proven, and the diplomat was not treated with the respect any human should receive. The diplomat also stated that they had no warrant for his arrest and it was unlawful, many people agree with this statement.

In Russia, foreign minister Lavrov demanded the Dutch ambassador to account for the incident, however on Tuesday the ambassador left the ministry without commenting. This has created even more tension between both countries especially after the detention of green peace protesters had already ignited fire within both countries. However Russia slammed this saying “Over the last year-and-a-half the Russian side made repeated attempts to contact their Dutch counterparts to intervene in the vessel’s illegal activities"Russian Foreign Ministry deputy head Aleksey Meshkov told RIA Novosti on Saturday. 

Putin has demanded an apology today by 6:00 Russian time. It will be interesting to see if the apology will be issued or not. And whether tensions will diffuse or destroy the relationship of these two countries.



Monday, 7 October 2013

Chemical weapons: A global scale

With 100 UN officials working in Syria to disarm the government from Chemical Weapons, one has to wonder what about the rest of the world? Israel has the largest stockpile of Chemical Weapons in the entire Middle East and yet they go on unaccounted for. Avner Cohen, a senior member at the Center for International and Security Studies, and the Program on Security and Disarmaments at the University of Maryland, wrote a comprehensive paper on Israel’s chemical and biological weapons. Cohen stated that Israel’s chemical weapon started with David Ben Gurion’s doctrine: “the destruction of the Palestinian society in Palestine is a necessary condition for the establishment of the state of Israel on its ruins. If Palestinians cannot be removed by massacres and expulsion, they shall be removed by extermination.”
The numbers and details of the Israeli chemical and biological attacks against Palestinians are many and require large volumes to document. During the Palestinian Intifada the Palestinian youths were used as test subjects for new chemical weapons; toxins and incapacitates. It is known however that on a number of occasions White phosphorus especially in 2008-2009 has been used on a large scale on the Palestinian people.
Or just look at America who has used Chemical Weapons in almost all the wars they have been involved in. In the Vietnam war America sprayed 20 million gallons of the Chemical Weapon known as Agent Orange, because of this 400,000 people were killed. America used white phosphorus on the Iraqi people in 2004 and at the famous Waco siege the FBI pumped tear gas onto innocent people inside knowing it would harm them because of this crime 27 children died.
And the most famous would be the atomic bomb that they dropped on Hiroshima, which they also went unaccounted for. All these crimes from both Israel and America have gone unnoticed, who are they to shun any other government for using chemical weapons when they themselves have used it countless times. If they want to play this game of disarmament of Chemical Weapons then they should also be unarmed of Chemical Weapon agents and end the hypocrisy.


Saturday, 5 October 2013

Popular support.

Recent studies have shown that Obama's public support is 45% while Bashar Al-Assad's is at 70%. This I find hilarious because how can a president who is hated by his people offer any kind of 'advice' aggressive or otherwise on how to run a country. Why would the syrian people want Obama's help if his own people don't even want him? I think every leader who speaks badly about Syria and Bashar Al-Assad should look at there own backyard before denouncing their neighbours. 

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Syrian refugees!

With the increase of violence in Syria comes more refugees and a hastier need to leave the conflict. People smugglers are taking advantage of this and are picking up people from Lebanon to take to other countries. But the real issue here is going to be the boats travelling to Australia especially with the horrendous new policies we are putting in place. Supposedly there will an increase in the coming months of Syrian refugees arriving by boat. Lebanese security forces which are obviously minimal have tried to put a stop to "illegal" seeking of refuge. But contrary to popular belief seeking asylum even on boats is NOT illegal according to the Convention we signed in 1948. The media has created and escalated this 'problem' when truly there is no movement to "stop the boats". The increase in global conflict means we have to increase our resources. It is hard to imagine the Australian Government treating Syrian refugees with respect, and the past speaks true to what sort of country we have become. And also want to point out that Syria, Iran and Pakistan host over one million refugee's, where are all these 'big and "powerful countries? What are they doing to support people fleeing from conflict. I wish good luck to any Syrian refugee trying to find someplace that they can feel safe even if it's for a little while. Lisa.