Wednesday, 4 December 2013


This week, Syrians held their breath as the horrifying news emerged; 12 Syrian nuns have been abducted from the Christian town of Maaloula. Maaloula is a historic city that is meant to be preserved not destroyed. In fact Maaloula has been bombarded by these so called revolutionaries, they have raped, killed, tortured and even worse have forced Christian residents to denounce there own religion in order to survive and those who don’t are beheaded. Syria's Greek Orthodox patriarch has urged Syrian rebels to release the group of nuns who were taken from a convent in Maaloula. Mother Superior Pelagia Sayyaf and 11 nuns were kidnapped from St Tecla Orthodox monastery after it was overrun by rebel forces who had taken control of the city in southwest Syria. "We appeal to the seed of conscience that God planted in all humans, including the kidnappers, to release our sisters safely," patriarch John Yazigi said. "We call upon the international community and world governments to help secure the release the nuns of the St Tecla convent." Yazigi said that orphans who were in the foster care of the sisters had also been taken hostage. Febronia Nabhan, the Mother Superior of nearby Christian convent of Saidnaya, said that the nuns had been taken to the rebel stronghold of Yabroud, 20km north. Not only is that completely disgusting and hateful but it should have been a red light to Christians around the world. This has never been only a Syrian concern it is an international one. The international community has allowed these monsters to completely erode not only a Christian village but also a historic one who still speak Aramaic. So, these ‘moderate’ rebels have called for a revolution; of what kind? One that rapes and tortures their opposition? One that kidnaps nuns? One that allows them to kill journalists simply for having an alternative opinion? That is the ‘rebellion’ and that is what these people want. They aren’t calling for democracy or a better Syria, they are calling for an end to moving forward and they are calling to an end of a sectarian nation. There has never been a revolution built on hate and murder, where are the thinkers, where are the scholars? Please pray for Maaloula and for the kidnapped nuns. God bless the residents of Maaloula, We are with you! Lisa.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Peace talks

Peace talks are still under way to solve the long and destructive Syrian crisis. But one can't help but be cynical when peace talks keep failing and certain parties don't come to the table. The new delay came as the United Nations said the scale of the crisis was much worse than previously thought. (http://www.thenational.aeGeneva 2 is meant to follow up on a conference last year that produced a transition plan for the war-ravaged country which was never implemented. It was initially planned for June, but has been repeatedly delayed amid stark disagreement over the premises for the talks and the list of participants.

The fate of the Syrian president, Bashar Al Assad, remains the main sticking point, with an ever more splintered opposition refusing to attend unless his resignation is put up for discussion – a demand rejected by Damascus.

“We will not go to Geneva to hand over power,” the information minister Omran Al Zohbi said on Monday.

“President Bashar Al Assad will remain head of state,” he added.

But peace talks in my opinion won't work in these circumstances because it is not a conventional war or situation.


Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Conformity in society.

Today I observed students at my school, we had an assembly and as I looked around a few things caught my eye. The first was the fact that every single girl was wearing the exact same thing like a thousand clones re printed over and over. The second was how the students listened to every single thing the teachers would say "line up" "sit down", it doesn't end. It got me thinking if we at the tender age of five must conform to a totalarianistic approach to learning rather than allowing the children the right to become there own self then could that possibly be what's wrong with society? We conform, we conformed for Afghanistan and we conformed for Iraq and now we are conforming for Syria. We are again like the students and the political leaders are the teachers they demand the same things "line up" "sit down" and we obey. Syria, is the home of resistance, we have resisted the west time and time again and like the big bad principal America developed a grudge, a sense of hatred towards the country. Maybe we have learnt how to say yes, learnt to assimilate ourselves into the beliefs of society rather, than to explore our own ideas- political or not. At school we are all expected to look the same, dress the same and to a certain extent told to think and behave the same. So how can we doubt that as we grow older that the submissive button in our brains wouldn't go off every once in a while? When we are bombarded with lies and war propaganda, how can we seriously doubt that we have become a society of indoctrination and brainwashing? This rule however does not apply to all, but people often believe what the world tells them. The world says "Al-Assad is a tyrant" and fabricated footage is shown on television and "experts" pretend they care when truly it is a game of vested interest that people sadly believe. This generation is one of information- do not conform to the government, to the leaders or to the media. Learn to find out the truth or find two sides of the story and decide based on INFORMATION not based on LIES spread by the media and by our Governments'. The truth is that Syria is not only the Middle East's only chance, but the entire world's. We have resisted since Turkish occupation and during french occupation. When they created a Western State (Israel) in the middle of an Arabic world we continued to say no, now America wants our natural resources and the world must say no.


Monday, 14 October 2013

Red Cross workers abducted!!

The aid workers - six Red Cross staff and a SARC volunteer - were "abducted this morning by unidentified armed men near Sareqeb," the ICRC said in a statement.

"We call for the immediate and unconditional release of the seven colleagues," said Magne Barth, head of the ICRC's Syria delegation.

Clearly a terrorist faction group has kidnapped the impartial humanitarian workers, this is such a low and disgusting thing to stoop to! These people are innocent and have nothing to do with what's happening in Syria. But no group has claimed responsibility for the kidnapping. "The convoy, which was on its way back to Damascus, was clearly marked with the ICRC emblem, which is not a religious symbol," an ICRC representative said. But the group was travelling in a rebel occupied area and that is all that is known. Kidnapping has become an increasing problem in Syria, with journalists and aid workers frequently targeted in rebel-held parts of the country, largely in the north.

Last month a German aid worker held for almost four months escaped his kidnappers in Idlib, just like his two colleagues who managed to flee in July, according to their aid group Gruenhelme. Yet people believe these rebels are legitimate opposition for syrian government? How can we condone kidnapping, be heading, cannibalism and racism!


Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Russia demands explanation

Putin has demanded an explanation from holland after his diplomat was beaten and detained by uninformed men who bombarded his flat and attacked him. Putin said "we are waiting for an explanation, an apology and also punishment for those responsible." The Hague police force spokeswoman released a statement "the man is fine. He is not in hospital." She also said "they [police] said they had received a call from the neighbours regarding mistreatment of the children in the apartment" however this has not been proven, and the diplomat was not treated with the respect any human should receive. The diplomat also stated that they had no warrant for his arrest and it was unlawful, many people agree with this statement.

In Russia, foreign minister Lavrov demanded the Dutch ambassador to account for the incident, however on Tuesday the ambassador left the ministry without commenting. This has created even more tension between both countries especially after the detention of green peace protesters had already ignited fire within both countries. However Russia slammed this saying “Over the last year-and-a-half the Russian side made repeated attempts to contact their Dutch counterparts to intervene in the vessel’s illegal activities"Russian Foreign Ministry deputy head Aleksey Meshkov told RIA Novosti on Saturday. 

Putin has demanded an apology today by 6:00 Russian time. It will be interesting to see if the apology will be issued or not. And whether tensions will diffuse or destroy the relationship of these two countries.



Monday, 7 October 2013

Chemical weapons: A global scale

With 100 UN officials working in Syria to disarm the government from Chemical Weapons, one has to wonder what about the rest of the world? Israel has the largest stockpile of Chemical Weapons in the entire Middle East and yet they go on unaccounted for. Avner Cohen, a senior member at the Center for International and Security Studies, and the Program on Security and Disarmaments at the University of Maryland, wrote a comprehensive paper on Israel’s chemical and biological weapons. Cohen stated that Israel’s chemical weapon started with David Ben Gurion’s doctrine: “the destruction of the Palestinian society in Palestine is a necessary condition for the establishment of the state of Israel on its ruins. If Palestinians cannot be removed by massacres and expulsion, they shall be removed by extermination.”
The numbers and details of the Israeli chemical and biological attacks against Palestinians are many and require large volumes to document. During the Palestinian Intifada the Palestinian youths were used as test subjects for new chemical weapons; toxins and incapacitates. It is known however that on a number of occasions White phosphorus especially in 2008-2009 has been used on a large scale on the Palestinian people.
Or just look at America who has used Chemical Weapons in almost all the wars they have been involved in. In the Vietnam war America sprayed 20 million gallons of the Chemical Weapon known as Agent Orange, because of this 400,000 people were killed. America used white phosphorus on the Iraqi people in 2004 and at the famous Waco siege the FBI pumped tear gas onto innocent people inside knowing it would harm them because of this crime 27 children died.
And the most famous would be the atomic bomb that they dropped on Hiroshima, which they also went unaccounted for. All these crimes from both Israel and America have gone unnoticed, who are they to shun any other government for using chemical weapons when they themselves have used it countless times. If they want to play this game of disarmament of Chemical Weapons then they should also be unarmed of Chemical Weapon agents and end the hypocrisy.


Saturday, 5 October 2013

Popular support.

Recent studies have shown that Obama's public support is 45% while Bashar Al-Assad's is at 70%. This I find hilarious because how can a president who is hated by his people offer any kind of 'advice' aggressive or otherwise on how to run a country. Why would the syrian people want Obama's help if his own people don't even want him? I think every leader who speaks badly about Syria and Bashar Al-Assad should look at there own backyard before denouncing their neighbours. 

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Syrian refugees!

With the increase of violence in Syria comes more refugees and a hastier need to leave the conflict. People smugglers are taking advantage of this and are picking up people from Lebanon to take to other countries. But the real issue here is going to be the boats travelling to Australia especially with the horrendous new policies we are putting in place. Supposedly there will an increase in the coming months of Syrian refugees arriving by boat. Lebanese security forces which are obviously minimal have tried to put a stop to "illegal" seeking of refuge. But contrary to popular belief seeking asylum even on boats is NOT illegal according to the Convention we signed in 1948. The media has created and escalated this 'problem' when truly there is no movement to "stop the boats". The increase in global conflict means we have to increase our resources. It is hard to imagine the Australian Government treating Syrian refugees with respect, and the past speaks true to what sort of country we have become. And also want to point out that Syria, Iran and Pakistan host over one million refugee's, where are all these 'big and "powerful countries? What are they doing to support people fleeing from conflict. I wish good luck to any Syrian refugee trying to find someplace that they can feel safe even if it's for a little while. Lisa.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Obama aids Lebanese army and south American governments take action against NSA.

Obama has decided to give the Lebanese army 8.7 million dollars to due Hezbollah's "growing influence." I have a few problems with this, firstly this "aid" is more likely to be a bribe and secondly it means that america is feeling threatened by Hezbollah's growing strength in the region especially in helping the Syrian Arab Army. This whole process makes me quite uneasy as it is clearly created to overturn or reduce Hezbollah's power by trying to make the Lebanese army stronger. i think the deal is an outright insult to the militant group who have over the years defeated countries thought to be invisible AKA Israel (2006). Obama went on to prove my point saying “The United States strongly rejects Hezbollah’s deep involvement in the Syrian conflict, which at this point has displaced millions of people and threatens to destabilize the region.” And then went on to say that the US “strongly supports the role of the Lebanese armed forces in maintaining Lebanon’s stability, and today we’re announcing an additional $8.7 million that would provide needed equipment in support of the Lebanese armed forces in internal stability and border security missions.” Although i would like to point out that if it wasn't for Hezbollah Lebanon would have absolutely no military strength or security. In other news, and this one is kinda big South American governments such as Venezuela and Argentina have outright denounced America and The NSA for spying on the countries. And then to top it off Maduro cancelled his speech to the general assembly because it could have threatened his safety, i do not find this hard to believe after America's dis respectable treatment of the Venezuela president. “I had to fulfill my maximum objective, to preserve my physical integrity, my life, and Venezuelan honor,” Maduro said. Maduro last week was briefly denied access to U.S. airspace on his way to China, which he described as an example of "U.S. aggression" against his socialist government.Again it isn't hard to believe as he has taken a stance against America with both Syria and the NSA. Only time will tell what will happen with both Lebanon and Venezuela. Lisa.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

U.N, team returns to Syria.

 A U.N. team is returning to Syria on Wednesday to look more deeply into the use of chemical weapons there.

A Russian diplomat revealed the planned trip Tuesday, adding that Moscow remains doubtful the government has used such weapons against its people. A U.N. spokesman subsequently confirmed that the mission would go back to Syria Wednesday to finish its investigation of allegations of chemical weapons’ use, including a report of a March 19 incident at Khan al-Asal. Meaning that The U.N. team, led by Swedish scientist Ake Sellstrom, had been planning to visit three other sites where attacks had been reported, but after investigating the incident near Damascus left the country because of the prospect of U.S. air strikes. Clearly a report should not have been issued before all the sites were inspected, also they left syria because of an imminent air strike on Syria even though they hadn't finished the investigation. It's about time they visit sites where the Syrian Arab Army were attacked with chemical weapons.


Sunday, 22 September 2013

Lavrov saying US wants to wreck Syria deal.

On Sunday Lavrov accused Washington of trying to sabotage the deal with Syria, doing so would allow them to take military action against Syria. “Our U.S. partners are beginning to blackmail us," Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Sunday in an interview with the First Channel, a state-owned television network. He charged that the United States was threatening to "fold up the work" toward securing the chemical weapons if Russia won't back a United Nations Security Council resolution based on Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter, which allows the use of force against nations that threaten international peace. Basically the US is saying they will agree to the deal if they can use aggressive force on Syria. This is absolute stupidity and frankly desperation, Washington's rush full need to take military action on Syria was never to "punish" Assad it was clearly because they want to Syria to be completely destabilized. Lavrov said. “Our partners are now blinded by the ideological task to replace the regime because they said a couple of years back that President Assad has no place on this Earth and he must go.” Lavrov further charged that the United States and its allies are not seeking a peaceful solution in Syria but trying instead to sabotage the plan for Syria to abandon its chemical stockpiles because “they want to prove that they will be ordering the music in the Middle East.” Washington, you no longer call the shots in the Middle East. In fact the reason you want to take military action is to prove in some sick way that you control Syria and Iran even if they have said no to the West time and time again. Lisa.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Pakistan calls Bin Ladens death a hoax!!

Recently found an article that claims that the entire murder of Osama Bin Laden was fake!!!!!!!

Read it is great insight into American lies and manipulation!!

UN reports biased and inconclusive!!!!

Russia has come out swinging today, saying that "Without a full picture, we cannot describe the character of the conclusions as anything other than politicised, biased and one-sided," the UN reports that came out a few days ago are inconclusive and one sided, it is clear the inspectors did not go to the area where the government reported chemical attacks. Mr Ryabkov said he assured the Syrian side that there was "no basis" for a UN Security Council resolution on the chemical weapons agreement to invoke Chapter VII of the UN Charter that allows the use of force and tough sanctions.

He said this could only be considered if the UN Security Council was able to confirm violations of the convention on chemical weapons. "This is a hypothetical situation," he said. Which is clear as the west has not provided the world with any conclusive evidence besides speeches that claim they have proof. The exact same thing happened in Iraq where they pretended that Sadam Hussein had "reconstituted nuclear weapons" and claimed he had "stockpiles of uranium". Russia's support is vital in the UN as they have obviously chose a side which truly defeats the purpose of the 'united nations' when it really means 'only strong nations can be united' it is utter hypocrisy.


Monday, 16 September 2013

Chemical weapons deal declared a victory!!

A US-Russian initiative to remove Syria's chemical weapons is a "victory" that averts war, a Syrian minister said, even as Washington and Paris warned that military action remains an option.

"On one hand, it helps the Syrians emerge from the crisis and on the other it has allowed for averting war against Syria," Minister of State for National Reconciliation Ali Haidar told Russian news agency Ria Novosti of the deal.

"It's a victory for Syria that was achieved thanks to our Russian friends."

His remarks came as US Secretary of State John Kerry met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to brief him on the plan and emerged with a word of warning for Damascus.

"The threat of force remains, the threat is real," Mr Kerry said at a joint news conference in Jerusalem with Netanyahu. Mr Kerry is adamant that the threat is still real. But clearly if Assad has no chemical weapons and is part of a chemical weapons treaty, he can not be touched unless it is illegally. 

The reports coming from the UN inspectors, says that chemical weapons were used but they don't name who did it. This clearly leaves Washington and Paris with fake evidence that obviously can not be made public because it is void. 

Israeli has also said that they will be monitoring whether Assad follows the Chemical Weapons treaty, but one has to wonder what there agenda is because obviously they have a consistent conflict with Syria and with Assad. 


Democracy or oil?

When the Bahrain began protesting against there government, during what has been termed 'The Arab Spring' America did not say, stop the brutality, stop the regime or any of that instead they decided in the interest of oil they wouldn't interfere in that country's affairs. In Qatar there are regular protests against the government, why haven't they interfered there? Oil would be the answer. All the Arab nations that have become American puppets have willingly given there oil to America. However both Syria and Iran declined any ties with the west and wanted to be a nation that only relied on its self. Little do most people now that Syria has oil off the west coast as does Iran. Please educate yourself on Americas Oil hunt in the middle east. Do you really think there is a 'revolution' in Syria! The people want Assad, the country needs Assad and if he is replaced with somebody else it will be disastrous for Syria. America has never cared who gets democracy, heck there own country isn't a democracy anymore. America only looks for oil, the government is not "the worlds policeman" they are just bullies with the means to destroy other successful countries. Lisa.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Australian suspected of Syria attack!

The man, referred to by multiple jihadist social media accounts as ''Abu Asma' al-Australi'', died following a car-bomb attack. Photos of the man have been circulating on social media sites. Some sites were reporting that the man was from Queensland and had travelled to Syria with his wife before sending her back to Australia a short time ago. A spokesman for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said the Australian government was aware of reports that an Australian had killed himself in a suicide bombing in eastern Syria but could not confirm the speculation. He said the government was concerned Australians were fighting in Syria, including some with al-Qaeda-linked Al Nusra. ''This is being handled as a security and intelligence matter. It is the long-standing practice of Australian governments not to comment on security and intelligence matters,'' he said. I would just like to give a clap to our department of foreign affairs and trade and also to ASIO and our foregin affairs minister who have just realized what the Australian people have know for years. How long had people from Australia been going to Syria pretending that they are doing aid work but really end up fighting. Just look at Roger Abbas. This was taken from the herald sun last year: "The Department of Foreign Affairs is investigating reports Roger Abbas, from Meadow Heights, was killed in the war-torn nation after news of his death ran rife on social media. Islamic Society of Victoria vice-president Baha Yehia said Mr Abbas, 23, went to Syria alone, through the Turkish border, to volunteer as an aid worker last month. Mr Yehia said there were conflicting reports as to how he had died. "We believe he was caught in the crossfire while he was doing aid work," he said. It is unknown exactly where or when Mr Abbas died, but it is believed to be in recent days." We never have and never will believe that these people actually go to do aid work when they are clearly working with terrorists. And now our government thinks that they have caught onto something the people have known from the beginning. We should not be allowing people to go into Syria, that we know are going under false pretenses to fight a jihadist war. Lisa.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

What is it?

Many people have often asked me questions about the issue in Syria, but the thing that annoys me most is when people refer to it is "The Syrian Civil War". A Civil War is based around the idea that there are two parties that are citizens of the country, the reason Syria is not a Civil War is because the fighters inside of Syria have come from neighbouring countries such as Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Another reason Syria is not a Civil War is because the majority are with the government forces, this basically means that only a minority are with the rebels meaning they have no reason to be the opposition because when you an  have opposition you have two majority's not one minority and one majority, it means more people want Bashar Al-Assad. So what do I call the situation in Syria? I call it a proxy war funded by N.A.T.O, a war to destabilise Syria for oil from both Syria and Iran. I also call it proof that the Syrian people are better and prouder than they thought because they are still holding on, they will never give up. So if someone asks you what is going on in Syria, you know what to say.


Rebels commit atrocious crimes! This video shows us what these "rebel" forces view as freedom. How can people support terrorism in the name of democracy? The murder of soldiers and civilians. God bless the Syrian people for there hardships.

Removal of Assad's Chemical Weapons.

Russia has come out saying that they will take Assad's Chemical Weapons, many people felt angered by this. They felt as though no other country has the right to remove somebody else's military technology. I however viewed this as a good thing, firstly they will be able to examine the chemical weapons and through so prove that it wasn't the government that committed the attack.secondly it also shows that Assad is not a "crazed dictator", it shows he is smart and can comply; to a certain extent (the west sucks). It has also halted Americas plans to attack Syria. Only time will tell what will happen. Lisa.

Prime Idiot of Australia

TONY Abbott has told Barack Obama he can count on Australia's strong diplomatic and political support if military force is required in Syria. The US President congratulated Mr Abbott on his election win in a telephone conversation this morning. Mr Abbott said he was honored to take the call, and told President Obama that America remained Australia's greatest friend. He commended President Obama on a "fine speech'' on Syria yesterday, and said he hoped the Syrian regime could be chastised without force over its use of chemical weapons. (taken from What is wrong with Tony Abbot. First of all how the hell did he get voted in to represent the people of Australia, secondly he has not taken an impartial decision on Syria, but this is coming from the man that referred to the situation in Syria as "Baddies vs. Baddies" Well done Abbott where did you get your degree in ignorance.He has also stupidly openly stated that he supports Obama. Thirdly, if he is meant to represent the people then why is he contradicting us all by saying we want war but the truth is AUSTRALIA DOES NOT WANT ANOTHER WAR!!! In fact as some would know there have been protests world wide to say no to another American war in the Middle East. Lisa.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Think about it!

"What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?" - Gandhi

What is freedom?

Saddened by the state of the syrian people and what the terrorists are doing to them. In the end death knows no religion or race, and the blood the syrian people shed they shed together, Christian or Muslim they are and always will be one proud nation. These "freedom fighters" hold the blood of over 80,000 in their hands; mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, daughters and sons they have no mercy. I Can't belive as a people we no longer understand the meaning of freedom, or we are so corrupted as to believe that murder and torture is justified by labelling it freedom. We should look at our own lives and understand what freedom is, the right to live without the fear of persecution. Everybody deserves that.

Putin disses McCain!

This is a video from a couple of years ago, but it is basically Putin dissing McCain and it is gold.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Kerry, Shut the hell up!!!

John Kerry has again made a statement saying the west must not be 'silent spectators to the slaughter', yet he has no reserves being the silent spectator of Obama's 'war on terror' that has claimed the lives of thousands in such countries as Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen. How can we condemn Bashar Al-Assad for protecting his country and his people from Al-Qaeda yet condone Obama for delivering drone strikes on massive areas of land that have killed and terrorised people, for simply living in a area that they think a militant might be in. Obama is a war criminal, yet he feels like he should have the right to 'punish' Assad, when he has done nothing wrong. Welcome to the world of hypocrisy!!!Kerry compared Bashar Al-Assad,to Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler, repeating his contentious claim several times. Like He can talk!!! Obama and his whole administration are completing a genocide of people of Arab Descent, claiming we are all terrorists! Lisa.

Thursday, 5 September 2013


Hey everyone, this is a petition that has just been created to stop military intervention in Syria. Please sign and share it to spread the word. 

Thanks Lisa.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Stop the lies!

In less then a week, the world will either go to war or not. I find it completely disturbing that we are allowing congress, the most stupid group of people to decide whether syria gets attacked or not. I also think that our "governments" are completely ignoring the fact that NOBODY wants war with a country already under attack by rebel forces.  A survey from inside of Syria said that 70% of Syrian's want Assad as there president and only 10% said they didn't. America is not the "world's policeman" they are just a bunch of greedy monsters that smell oil and jump at the chance to get it. I think it is reprehensible that the American government has been allowed to hurt, break and completely abolish all the Middle East for there own needs. 


Monday, 2 September 2013


American and French sources have made several statements claiming that they have proof, the chemical attacks were done by Bashar Al-Assad and his forces. But none of these sources or any of this evidence has been properly presented and have remained hidden by both America and France. Well done to the French government, like we didn't know that you already had a stake in Syria and therefore would fabricate any lies to get ahead and spread propaganda to make the public hate Syria. I honestly think this is a sad and cowardly way to try and bring down a country that had been so independent and doesn't rely on the west. Something that had angered America for years. America is like a big bully, that won't stop trying to hurt the countries around them and frankly they need to be punished. 


Sunday, 1 September 2013

Obama's decision to wait for congress

Obamas pathetic decision to wait for congress to decide this month, is a failed attempt of a desperate man. After wide world protesting and hatred for the Obama regime, Obama has decided that he will let congress decide. If they say 'yes' to war in Syria, then they are to blame and if they say no then Obama does not look like the fool who tried to go to war with Syria and then gave up halfway. Ether way, the people know the truth and that is that no other country has withheld such incredible criticism, hate and murder in their own country. Bashar Al-Assad will not give up nor will his people.


Proxy War's and Propaganda

America has undergone so many proxy wars throughout the years. At the beginning of the Cold War, for many marks the beginning of America under McCarthyism. This means America became a state that gave little or no regard to evidence and became completely paranoid. Lets just look back; The Korean war and The Vietnamese War were some of the most remembered. They were all built on lies that in the end stole the lives of thousands of men. Once again America is fighting a Proxy War this time in Syria, how? Through the terrorist "Rebels" that have tried to take over in Syria with support from N.A.T.O and the CIA who have trained them in military technology. They have done this in the same way that they trained Al-Qaeda terrorists in Afghanistan to fight Soviet Russia. And sadly the Media has allowed this through censorship of the truth and propaganda. Propaganda has ultimately created a false and awful image of Bashar Al- Assad who is nothing but idealized by his people. Instead the media has turned him into a dictator and tyrant. It had been done before and is being done again false information misleads the public and society ends up paying the price. Lisa.

Saturday, 31 August 2013


'democracy' is like a plague spreading through the world under the false flag of freedom. I am a strong believer that democracy has always been a failed attempt at freedom and obviously we can see that now more than ever. America goes on about its democracy and freedom but they live under a silent and covert dictatorship, the Australian people have thought they are a democracy only to realise that nothing society wants is being represented in parliament. That what we believe as a people is being blatantly ignored or misrepresented by our 'government'. That is why democracy and all that comes with it is a lie. Lisa.

Melbourne Syria rally!!!

Thursday, 29 August 2013

The idiots that run our country's

I have been so angered by the recent events, if you are Australian then you know that Kevin Rudd has come out and backed America, Which is obviously because he is either really stupid and doesn't know what is happening or he is working with them to destabilize Syria. No matter what though, it is so completely unfair and breaks our international laws if they attack without a U.N mandate which won't be happening since Russia and China keep using veto. It is very sad to see how stupid and closed minded our governments have become. It used to be about representing the ideologies of the people and now it is a power struggle, we have no say anymore. We can stop the Australian and American government from plaguing our world with war, but sometimes we forget that we are stronger than them, that we control them. Lisa.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013


Rally this Saturday 31st August, to protest the planned military attack on Syria. Melbourne State Library at 2pm! Please come to show your support and to stop american intervention!! Lisa.

Monday, 26 August 2013

John Kerry and his "gut-wrenching" speech.

John Kerry has spoken to the press today and condemned Bashar Al-Assad for the chemical attack. However, it is obvious from the lack of emotion on his face and rather generic words, that it is in fact a ploy. To anybody who understands the truth about Syria, America's actions are despicable and utterly revolting. It is very ignorant to believe that America is acting on behalf of the Syrian people when it is obvious that the only thing America acts for is oil. John Kerry's little speech did not move me or flood my eyes with tears. The only thing Kerry's speech did was anger me and force me to realize how blatant the lies of America have become. Well done Kerry for your unemotional and repetitive script that we have frankly heard a thousand times before. Lisa.


Drones are pilot less radio controlled air crafts that are operated on land. In the last decade there has been a major increase in the use of drones. The USA, UK and Israel are known to have used drones, but international law has not caught up to this technology. This has sadly allowed Obama along with NSA and the CIA to have asserted a right to authorized assassination of individuals perceived to be a threat to the US. All human beings are equal in dignity and rights. But the deaths and injury sustained from drone warfare are continually unreported and the people targeted remain anonymous to the eyes of the western world. The government of America uses such techniques as the double tap which is when you target people in the aftermath of the first attack and signature strikes which is targeting any male who looks suspicious. Both of these techniques are considered war crimes according to international humanitarian laws. We as beings communicate everyday; we speak, make eye contact and use our body language to portray our words and feelings. But drones are like the dark side of the moon unseen and unheard. This means the people operating it are also unseen and unheard, there is no communication. A public opinion poll recorded by Pew research centre said that 62% of Americans approved of the drone warfare conducted in Pakistan while a meager amount of 28% said that they disapprove. America was the only country with a higher ratio of approval, what does this research demonstrate? That the American public lack the understanding and communication with countries being assaulted with these drones. Clearly there is a lack of empathy and comprehension. When the Boston bombing took place this year, there was absolute outrage. And when three people died we as global citizens we stood up and said this is not acceptable. But that same day in Pakistan five people were killed by the US government. It is clear that the media reports only what they see fit and people only listen to the most convenient truth. But we should be responsible for what occurs in the countries around us and how other people are treated whether we can see it or not. Not one of the 7 billion inhabitants of this earth reacted as ‘global citizens’ like they did for the Boston bombings or for 9/11, it is unfair. The fact that each countries needs the other to survive should be cause enough for the people of this earth to work together to create a safe environment where the government does not control the people but the people control themselves. Countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan just highlight the need for a global policy that does not allow countries to keep weaponry and plans secret, this included the use of drones to secretly wage war on people. Lisa.

Syrian Support

Latest news shows that the Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has came out with a statement basically outlining his support for Syria and Assad. Maduro said "We condemn the campaign hatched against Syria which aims to justify the aggression on Syria and the threats against the Syrian people." By doing so Maduro has said to the world what America is really doing with Syria and how they aim to destabilize it, this is great for Syria. Putin has always supported Syria and recently said that "I wont give up on Bashar Al-Assad even if war reaches the streets of Moscow". The fact that Obama is hesitating to go into Syria even after their desperate attempt at faking a chemical attack by Assad just proves that Syria is not weak and will not succumb to America like all the other Middle Eastern countries have had to. The simple truth is Obama was not betting that Russia, Iran and now Venezuela would stand against him, to wage war on Syria would now create a world war. Lisa.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Chemical warfare

Claims are piling up about the chemical weapons used in Syria. It is completely ridiculous that people actually believe that with UN officials in Syria, Assad would risk that. Secondly there is a number of calls and videos where the FSA claim that they have chemical weapons and used them. This must be the biggest conspiracy played out by the American and Israeli government in the entire world. And we as global citizens have stood by and let it happen by believing western media for too long. It is ridiculous. Lisa.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Double standards

American hypocrisy!

America calls the Assad regime a dictatorship yet new information has shown that the American government have surveillance on American citizens, and therefore created terror watch lists for everyday Americans. Not only that America is one of the most secretive, hypocritical and destructive governments of our time that hold power over the whole world because of the military technology that they use. The CIA and NSA's use of covert operations in the name of 'the war on terror' have left people in countries like Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia in constant fear for their lives.  And yet we continue to be happily oblivious to the death and the demolition  plaguing the world around us by American forces; the real question is for how long?


Thursday, 15 August 2013

American plan


Americas plan is to spread its influence onto the Middle East to gain from the resources. How many countries has this already happened to; Afghanistan, Iraq, Bahrain, Libya, Egypt and Turkey are just some of the countries all ready manipulated by America. How far are we willing to let them go?

Syria: what's really happening?

In march 2011, a 'war' began in Syria, instigated by extremists who have been aided by America and the CIA. This has been used as an excuse by the western media to portray Syria as an oppressed country but it is clear that is not the truth. This 'civil war' is not what you think it is, it is not a fight for freedom or a fight against oppression; it is simply a covert war conducted by America and Israel who have a major stake in Syria. One the public is not aware of. Like Iraq and like Libya America's intervention will do no good, it is only an excuse to reach the country for its resources such as Iraq's oil supply.  The only oppression being done now is by America, Israel and the foreign fighters in Syria who are from neighboring countries and have affiliations with Al- Qaeda and Jabhat Al Nusrah two of the major terrorist organizations. Obama and his affiliates have supplied these rebel forces with lethal arms, just like they did with Al-Qaeda; and Idea that back fired on them after 9/11.
More posts coming soon.